As crazy as the world gets some times, we have to ask ourselves are we living in anarchy. The answer is Certainly not in the definition of social human societies, but we do live within the quantum chaos, which is anything but completely structured, it is in between.
Indeed, when looking at the historical record even the most complex of governments have failed over time and "broken down" as one Swiss Intellectual recently noted in an email to the Online Think Tank. Perhaps, one could argue that in human history there has never been a human civilization that we know about that has lasted any long time period (10,000 years), yet the archeologist records seems to indicate there may have been, yet even those did not last forever, "change is constant" or so they say.
A human civilization is an overlay which rests on other factors too; climate cycles, asteroid strikes, evolution of other species, plate tectonic activity, space rays hitting the Earth as our solar system bubble travels thru the universe. Did the human civilization break down or did outside influences not yet encountered throw them out of whack?
Perhaps reading of Isaac Asimov's book about the world with the seven suns. The complex system works fine until something is altered. If the complex system did not anticipate this or have sufficient redundancies, then pieces of the complex system fail and then you have a cascading climactic catastrophe. For instance if the water system fails but all other parts of a civilization work, the system still fails.
This is why war planners consider disruption of human civilization systems in time of war - also how guerilla terrorism works or rather why it works so well to over throw only to redesign the system until they are over thrown by the similar methods. Interesting to study, pathetic to consider, as no one wishes to talk about war, failed systems and where am I taking this topic anyway asks one astute reader?
The conversation is flowing towards the "Need" to fix the world, the reason to carry on, the argument for "Thought" and using human intellect to solve the problems and challenges, prior to their becoming crisis. I want you to think on this and see where those thoughts lead you.